Inflight Thoughts
Okay so I couldn't find a wi-fi hotspot in the Chicago airport so this was written during travel and is a few days late.... I wanted to share a few things that have made me laugh already. First, I was *treated* to an in-air snack on my Cinci- Chicago flight. It consisted of a little cup of juice and biscuit called a "Biscoff." It tasted like something between a vanilla wafer and an animal cracker. Nothing special, right? Well, I turned the wrapper over and not only were there instructions on how to order these biscuits for yourself, but also an offer for sky miles! Delta must really think their snack biscuits are something special.
The other thing: when I was doing some research about Asiana Airlines, I came across some pictures of their stewardesses on their website. They look like normal stewardesses who model on the side--once you get past their funky scarf-neck things. Anyway, I forgot all about it. Then, about five minutes ago, I saw a stewardess in person--and they are for real. And those scarves are every bit as stiff and they look in the picture. On the other hand Asiana Airlines offers free beer and wine the whole 14 hour flight, so I'm going to try and drink back the price of my ticket. Oh wait I didn't pay for my ticket. Oh well... Cheers!!!
Travel Tip #1 from a 2 M Miler:
ReplyDeleteDip those little biscoffs in your coffee...preferably with a little Baileys as a creamer.
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