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Get Your Balls Wet!
So the weather here in Korea has been getting much nicer, as you can probably guess. Seeing as how I got here in the winter, I must have missed the memo that said I needed to pack summer clothes too. This meant that I would have to go shopping for some Korean clothes, which I had been dying to do because some of the clothes here are very cute. I was hesitant because I am not that small of a person in Canada, and here I am trying to find clothes to fit me in an Asian country. I decided that it would be a great idea to go shopping with one of my girlfriends, and then we would meet some of our guy friends later in the evening. Unfortunately, we decided that it would be a great idea to go out hard on Friday night, and norae bang it until morning. Runing low on fuel we still managed to make it out again Saturday night, and still have an amazing time.
Because we managed to do this, without actually spending that much money, I thought it would be a great idea to write a guide for anyone looking to have a great time. However, it is important to remember that these are just recommendations, and that your night may turn out quite differently than ours did. But I guess that is half the fun.
When the night feels like its slowly dying, hit up a norae bang. A fairly inexpensive place to drink, sing your face off, and enjoy eachother's company. You get your own room, you can have as many people in there as you feel necessary, and you are already drunk so it doesn't matter that you can't actually sing. It also is a great way to ensure that you will be out until at least dawn, if not longer depending on your Agenda for the day.
Nori bang is a great way to come out of your shell and open yourself up for the situations you might be in for the rest of the weekend. It will at least get you ready and in the mood to drunkenly belt out songs the next time you are sitting at a restaurant or bar. What a great way to spend time with the people who are close to you?
When you get bored of popcorn, and you will, ask at the bar for some paper. Have a paper airplane making contest with your friends, and then throw them out the window too. This is for the same purpose. Watch where they land and see if you can find them again. You may discover that the paper planes fly much better from a 14th storey window than from the ground. Who would have thought?
I apologize if this sounds dirty or inpropriate, but this is exactly what you should do. Get your PING-PONG balls wet. After having a few drinks at an Irish pub and belting out songs around the table, it would be a great idea to head over to a Thursday Party to play some beer pong. Make sure that you find a partner who doesn't like beer, . That way, you can get two games worth for the price of one. It would be even better if that partner or someone on the other team also pays for the game, that way you can make up for the amount you spent on your shopping spree.
While this may sound like a brilliant idea, it is only worthwhile if you are willing to throw up in the street outside of a Family Mart, and continue to pass-out on the patio of a burger joint. You may also experience the feeling of worry and aloneness when you wake up on the street thinking your friends left you to sleep it off. In reality, your friends found you a nice place to pass out, left all of their stuff with you so that they didn't have to carry it around all night, and THEN left you alone to sleep it off. I guess its a good thing we have cellphones to get a hold of each other. Korea can be a scary place. So many ajummas.
You may not decide to pass out yourself (as it was my friend who completed step 9), but before anyone does, you may want to keep your eyes up for clubs that may be on upper floors of some of the buildings. Even more importantly, keep your eyes up for any friends that may have ran away and are now dancing out the window of one of these clubs. Once you spot either of these things, join in. Literally, rage suicidally. Stand on the window ledge and dance your heart out for any Koreans that stop to watch the chaos. In hindsight I see that doing this was one of the worst ideas ever. Although I can't take credit for the idea itself, I have to say that I didn't put too much thought into the fact that I could have fallen out and broken my neck. However, it was a pretty awesome situation to be in. Too much soju.

You may also want to bring your sunglasses into the club. Whether because it is the cool thing to do, or just to make the point that you are raging in a club while the sun is out, it is always an option. Just be careful because I'm almost positive you cannot tsee much when the club is dark.
Of course you can add to or remove any of the suggestions here, to make the adventure your own. You also want to make sure that if you leave anyone passed out somewhere, they are easy going and can laugh about the situation. This is essential, because it could completely change the dynamic of the weekend.
You may also want to end off on Sunday with an 8 hour nap, fried chicken, and a movie. I had the option to go play beach volleyball, but the alcohol was still flowing through my veins, and the bus ride was an hour long. The nap sounded more realistic.
However you decide to enjoy it, I hope you enjoy your weekend the next time you decide to spring for an adventure. Remember that the more you say no to things, the more you limit yourself on the amount of fun you may have but may also save you from passing out in the street in a strange city.
Because we managed to do this, without actually spending that much money, I thought it would be a great idea to write a guide for anyone looking to have a great time. However, it is important to remember that these are just recommendations, and that your night may turn out quite differently than ours did. But I guess that is half the fun.
How to have an epic weekend out in South Korea.
1. The Warm Up
Find a place to meet people where you can buy cheap and crappy beer, to figure out what you are going to do. Drink a few of those beers to loosen up, which will make it much easier for you to make some fairly questionable decisions. Try to make sure that you have a friend with a car, which will make it much easier and cheaper to get to your desired location. It might be a little more difficult to get home, but that's not something that should be of concern. It's all about the here and now.2. Accept Invitations.
Don't turn down any invitation to go see people. You never know where the night will take you, so don't question the company, the location, or the method of transportation to get there. Just do it. When you are willing to drop everything to go meet a friend, you are more likely to make the most out of opportunities presented to you. Chances are you will have a good time because your sense of adventure is much higher.3. Drink Soju
Not only is Soju a great cleaning method, but it is also a very cheap way to drink. The best nights I've had so far have been sitting outside of a Family Mart drinking soju and orange Fanta cocktails. You don't have to talk over loud music, you can wander the streets while you are drinking, and you don't have to empty your wallet to have a drink. You also have the opportunity to do things that you never would or could have done in a bar. This includes climbing things, talking to random Koreans as they walk by, and running around city streets. Good times.
4. Sing Your Heart Out
When the night feels like its slowly dying, hit up a norae bang. A fairly inexpensive place to drink, sing your face off, and enjoy eachother's company. You get your own room, you can have as many people in there as you feel necessary, and you are already drunk so it doesn't matter that you can't actually sing. It also is a great way to ensure that you will be out until at least dawn, if not longer depending on your Agenda for the day.Nori bang is a great way to come out of your shell and open yourself up for the situations you might be in for the rest of the weekend. It will at least get you ready and in the mood to drunkenly belt out songs the next time you are sitting at a restaurant or bar. What a great way to spend time with the people who are close to you?
5. Don't Stop to Smell the Coffee
I would suggest actually drinking a coffee, maybe two depending on what time you got in the night before. What I don't suggest is taking a break by sleeping for more than 3 or 4 hours. This gives you too much time to sober up and develop a hangover. Once that hangover hits you, you won't stand a chance at making it to the climax of the weekend. Push through it, and when you start to crash get another drink into you. The first beer of the day was much needed, and got us through the rest of the night. It was a good decision.6. Shop 'Till You Drop
Find a nice market, where the clothes are cheap and the stores are plenty. The best thing about doing this, is that you will never run out of beautiful clothes to buy. I may have spent twice as much as I had originally planned, I now have a new wardrobe with many wonderfully Korean looking clothes. You can't have an epic weekend without a few new outfits to wear out later in the evening.7. Paper Planes
If you happen to meet your friends at a bar on the 14th floor of a building, you should make sure that you are sitting at a table near the window. This makes it much easier to throw popcorn out of it. Quite simple. When the waitress isn't looking, throw a few pieces of popcorn out and watch where they land. It is pretty cool getting down there and finding them again. I wouldn't suggest eating them, though.When you get bored of popcorn, and you will, ask at the bar for some paper. Have a paper airplane making contest with your friends, and then throw them out the window too. This is for the same purpose. Watch where they land and see if you can find them again. You may discover that the paper planes fly much better from a 14th storey window than from the ground. Who would have thought?
8. Get Your Balls Wet
I apologize if this sounds dirty or inpropriate, but this is exactly what you should do. Get your PING-PONG balls wet. After having a few drinks at an Irish pub and belting out songs around the table, it would be a great idea to head over to a Thursday Party to play some beer pong. Make sure that you find a partner who doesn't like beer, . That way, you can get two games worth for the price of one. It would be even better if that partner or someone on the other team also pays for the game, that way you can make up for the amount you spent on your shopping spree. 9. Out-Soju a Korean
The Family Mart patio is a great spot to find young Koreans who are willing to buy you drinks in exchange for conversation in English. Even the University students who can pretty much only speak enough English to point out the fact that you are a foreigner and speak English. They are also very taken aback when they see that you drink soju. They may want to challenge you to a drinking competition, thinking that because you are foreign, you cannot possibly drink soju like they can.While this may sound like a brilliant idea, it is only worthwhile if you are willing to throw up in the street outside of a Family Mart, and continue to pass-out on the patio of a burger joint. You may also experience the feeling of worry and aloneness when you wake up on the street thinking your friends left you to sleep it off. In reality, your friends found you a nice place to pass out, left all of their stuff with you so that they didn't have to carry it around all night, and THEN left you alone to sleep it off. I guess its a good thing we have cellphones to get a hold of each other. Korea can be a scary place. So many ajummas.
10. Suicidal Rage
11. Sunrise Mart Break
Once you've made sure that your soju soaked friend is safe and sound, and the club you were in has closed, take a break and enjoy some soju and Fanta at the nearest Family Mart. It is really nice to watch the day continue to get lighter while reflecting on how wonderful your night was. However, your night cannot be over, because you have not booked a hotel, and the subway hasn't started up for the day. Enjoy that well deserved rest on the steps of the mart. You are going to need it.12. ?
This step is untitled because I'm not exactly sure how to explain this one. Once you've finished your soju or beer and have made some wonderful new Korean friends, let them take you to yet another club. As it is approaching daylight, those Koreans will take you to yet another club, where they will proceed to buy you shots of tequila and other wonderful treats. Just be careful, because they may play a lot of dubstep at this club, which means using your reserve tank of energy. This is why the early morning break was so essential.You may also want to bring your sunglasses into the club. Whether because it is the cool thing to do, or just to make the point that you are raging in a club while the sun is out, it is always an option. Just be careful because I'm almost positive you cannot tsee much when the club is dark.
Of course you can add to or remove any of the suggestions here, to make the adventure your own. You also want to make sure that if you leave anyone passed out somewhere, they are easy going and can laugh about the situation. This is essential, because it could completely change the dynamic of the weekend.
You may also want to end off on Sunday with an 8 hour nap, fried chicken, and a movie. I had the option to go play beach volleyball, but the alcohol was still flowing through my veins, and the bus ride was an hour long. The nap sounded more realistic.
However you decide to enjoy it, I hope you enjoy your weekend the next time you decide to spring for an adventure. Remember that the more you say no to things, the more you limit yourself on the amount of fun you may have but may also save you from passing out in the street in a strange city.
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